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Daddy Wolf's Little Seer: Silver Wolf Shifters Book 1 Page 8

  “Hey—what’s that on your shoulder?” Aylen asked. Kaiah looked at the bite mark Gray had given her in the woods and pulled her hoodie back up over her bare shoulder.

  “Um,” Kaiah squeaked, “it’s nothing.” She loved the way Gray had taken her body and made her his. Their first night together, he had left little bite marks up her body but they didn’t break the skin, just left bruises. She loved being able to see where his mouth had been on her body. In the woods, he was a little more forceful. He took her just for the sake of needing to take her body and it was hot. When he pumped inside of her, losing himself deep in her core, he was lost in passion and bit down on her shoulder a little too hard. He drew blood that time, unlike their first night together, but she didn’t mind.

  “Oh, it’s something all right,” Rios grumbled. She didn’t miss the look he gave Gray and Kaiah hated that it made him feel ashamed of what they had done together.

  “Don’t make him feel that way,” Kaiah said, trying to keep her voice down in the diner.

  “It’s fine, Baby Girl. Rios is right,” Gray defended his friend but she could still feel is shame and regret and that was the last thing she wanted him feeling about anything concerning her.

  “What we do in the privacy of our bedroom,” Kaiah started.

  “Or forest,” Rios interrupted. Kaiah leaned across the table and pointed her finger into his chest knowing she was provoking her brother-in-law’s inner wolf.

  “It’s none of your business,” she finished. “Stay out of my relationship, Rios,” she shouted, giving up caring that they were in a public place.

  “Did you tell her?” Aylen asked.

  “No,” Gray grumbled. “I didn’t mean to do it.” He shot Ay an apologetic look and Kaiah sunk back into her seat next to him.

  “What haven’t you told me, Gray?” she asked.

  “There’s a chance nothing will happen,” he said more to Aylen and Rios than to her. “I’m older and well, she’s already half shifter anyway.”

  “But, she’s never shifted,” Aylen spat. “And, you’re not that old, Gray. God, you have no idea what this will do to her.” Now Kaiah was beginning to worry.

  “Just tell me what the hell you three are going on about. We already have enough on our plates. Keeping secrets isn’t a good idea,” she said, staring Gray down. He seemed to look at everyone and everything but her. “Please,” she whispered, taking his hand into her own. “Just be honest with me. What’s going on?”

  Gray sighed. “The bite mark on your shoulder is a mating bite.”

  Kaiah nodded, “Makes sense since we were—you know, mating, when you bit me.”

  “Well, it means that you might be carrying my pup,” Gray whispered, looking around the room to make sure that no one was listening in. Kaiah’s ears rang with white noise as her entire body seemed to hum to life. Could he be right? Wouldn’t she feel if she was pregnant?

  “I’d know if I was pregnant,” she insisted. “I’d feel it like I feel other people’s thoughts.”

  “Not necessarily,” Aylen said. “When I was pregnant with Ryker, I lost some of my gifts. My senses were stronger as a wolf but the seer side of me seemed to lose some mojo. I didn’t have as many visions. I called Mom and Anali and they assured me that it’s normal but it still sucked. You might not be able to feel him or her if you are pregnant.” The thought of there being a him or her inside of her did strange things to Kaiah’s heart.

  “Did you know that this would happen when you bit me?” she asked Gray.

  “No,” he said. “Well, I knew it was a possibility but I just lost control. You know, got caught up in the moment?” he asked. She knew exactly what he was saying because she felt that same way every time he touched her—almost like she was having an out of body experience or something.

  Kaiah shrugged as if them telling her that she might be pregnant wasn’t a big deal. It was a huge deal but she needed time to process everything before she freaked out. That was just who she was. She liked to over-analyze just about everything before passing judgment.

  “You need to tell her the rest,” Rios insisted. Aylen looked down at her sleeping son and back up to her sister, worry in her brown eyes and Kaiah knew she wasn’t going to like the rest of whatever Gray had to tell her.

  “What else?” she whispered.

  “The bite might turn you,” Aylen said.

  “But, I’m half shifter,” Kaiah protested. “It can’t turn me into something I am already, right?” she looked around the small table at each of them but no one seemed to have an answer to her question. “How long until we know if something’s going to happen to me?”

  “It’s been a couple of days since our time in the woods,” Gray all but whispered. “I would guess that it should have happened by now. I’ve never turned anyone before.”

  “How about the whole being pregnant thing?” she asked. Gray shrugged.

  “It’s too early for a test. You’ll have to wait a few weeks to take one of those,” Aylen said. “I guess we just have to play the wait and see game on both fronts.” Her sister shot Gray another dirty look and Kaiah stood from the table, pushing past Gray.

  “Where are you going?” Gray growled, hot on her heels.

  “I need some space,” she spat, turning on him to face him down. “Can you at least give me that?”

  “You act as if I did this on purpose, Baby Girl. I told you that I got lost in the moment and just got careless. I’m sorry,” Gray whispered. He reached for her and she pulled her hand free, not wanting the contact. When he touched her she couldn’t think—only feel everything that he was feeling and that wasn’t an option for her right now. She needed a clear head to figure some things out because if she was going to turn into a wolf or become a mother, she needed to get herself together. She couldn’t do that in a diner full of people—her sister and brother-in-law included. She saw the pity and worry in their eyes and it wasn’t helping.

  “Please don’t do this Kaiah,” Gray begged. “We have everyone coming at us from all corners. If you leave I won’t be able to keep an eye on you or keep you safe.”

  “I’ll be fine, Gray. I’ve been on my own for a long time and I’ve gotten by. I’m sure I can find my way back to Echo’s cabin by myself,” she insisted.

  “But, you’ll be alone,” Gray argued.

  “That sounds perfect,” she said and walked out the front door of the diner. How she was going to get back to Echo’s exactly was beyond her. She had no car and no real way of figuring out which forms of public transportation went out his way. Hell, she was in a foreign country, and walking out on her ride was the shittiest idea she had in a long time. She just needed some air—needed to think things through. Gray followed her out of the diner and when she was about to give up and go back in with him, Lake pulled up to the curb in his pick-up.

  He rolled down his window and smiled, actually smiled at her and she wanted to punch the smirk off his face. But, if she played her cards right, she’d get her time and space. “Need a lift?” he asked.

  “Don’t,” Gray ordered. “You said you don’t trust him.”

  “I don’t and that’s why I know I’m safe to go with him. I know who he is and what he’s capable of. I’m not so sure I can say the same about you right now,” Kaiah said. She pulled the passenger door opened and climbed into Lake’s truck, not bothering to look back at the very angry Daddy wolf she left behind. She could feel his anger—it was palpable. Kaiah knew that sooner or later, she’d have to face Gray but for now, she was going to just breathe.


  Gray was so mad he felt about ready to explode. He didn’t bother going back in the diner, worried that he would cause a scene. Instead, he paced the adjoining alley, trying to calm the fuck down. Aylen and Rios met him with little Ryker and he stared them down as if daring either of them to say a fucking word. They piled into Aylen’s SUV and drove in complete silence back to Echo’s property and not finding Lake’s truck there was the last

  He got out of the SUV and walked across the field to the main house, not bothering to knock or be invited in. He needed to find Kaiah and he was betting that her father knew exactly where Lake had taken her. When Kaiah accused Lake of wanting to turn her and Ay over to Echo’s pack, he didn’t seem surprised by the news. In fact, nothing about the past few days seemed to set Echo on edge as it should have. The old wolf showed up at his home saying that Kaiah and Aylen were in danger but what proof did they have? His word? And, what was that good for?

  “Echo,” Gray shouted through the empty house. Anita stumbled down the stairs with Echo hot on her trail. “Where is Kaiah?” Gray asked.

  “Last time I saw my daughter, she left with you. What happened?” Echo asked. Gray wanted to punch the guy in the face but he knew that was just his anger and worry for Kaiah. Punching his woman’s father wouldn’t get him what he needed and Gray needed answers. Aylen pushed through the front door and stood by Gray's side looking almost as angry as he felt.

  “Where is my sister?” Aylen spat.

  Echo barked out his laugh and for a minute, Gray worried that Ay would do just what he wanted to—punch her father in the face. She balled up her little fists and Gray rested his hand on her arm.

  “Not worth it, Ay,” he whispered.

  “You should listen to your friend, Aylen,” Echo said. “I was just telling Gray that the last time I saw Kaiah was when you all stormed out of here, ruining a perfectly nice evening and meal.”

  “I know you’re looking for an apology from me here, Echo but I’m afraid you’re going to be sadly disappointed. I have nothing to be sorry for. I didn’t up and leave my family to start a new one. I didn’t leave my child to raise a new one. Was it that you finally got your son or were we just not enough for you—Dad?” she spat. Gray felt bad for the guy because Aylen angry was a scary thing. Ay angry and hurt was terrifying.

  “It wasn’t like that,” Echo insisted. “I won’t stand here and argue with you about the past, Aylen.”

  “All right—how about we argue about the present then. I’m looking for my sister and from the bits and pieces I’m picking up from your thoughts—you know where she is. You are blocking me, aren’t you?” Gray made his way down the rest of the steps with Anita by his side and the smile he wore was almost mean. “Careful, Dad,” Aylen warned. “You’ll blow your cover.”

  “I have no cover but if you keep pushing me—” he threatened. Echo backed down and Gray worried about what he wasn’t saying.

  “What?” Aylen shouted. “What were you going to say? Finish it,” she barked.

  “You’ll never get Kaiah back if you keep pushing,” he finished. Gray growled and shoved the old shifter up against the wall, upending a table that stood by the front door. He could hear Echo’s wolf growling, wanting to be set free and Gray knew if that happened, things would turn ugly. Aylen was snarling at his back, ready for the fight and that was the last thing any of them needed.

  “Where is she?” Aylen shouted.

  “Just tell them, Echo,” Anita begged, standing by the staircase. “Keeping them in the dark isn’t fair. Maybe she and Kaiah would be willing to help if they just knew the truth.”

  “The truth about what?” Gray asked.

  Echo shoved Gray’s hands to the side and walked back over to stand by his woman. Anita wrapped her arm around his waist and stared him down. “Fine,” Echo spat. “We need your help and I didn’t know how else to get you here.”

  “Wait—all of this has been a lie? Are we really in danger? Do shifters from your pack want me and Kaiah dead?” Aylen asked.

  “Yes and no,” Gray whispered.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Aylen asked. “It’s pretty cut and dry, Echo. Are we in danger or not?”

  “Can we please just sit down and talk about this? I’ll explain everything,” Echo offered.

  Rios came barreling through the front door, looking at the mess lying around the entry from the table being upturned in their scuffle. He handed Ryker to Aylen and whistled.

  “What did I miss?” he asked, kissing her cheek.

  “My father was just about to explain how this whole trip has been a lie,” Aylen said.

  “What the fuck?” Rios growled.

  “Please,” Echo said, holding up his hands, “let me just explain.”

  “Is my wife in danger?” Rios asked.

  “Yes—if she doesn’t help us, they will kill her and Kaiah. That part was true,” Echo admitted. Gray wondered how he had hidden his true agenda from Kaiah but earlier, she accused her father of being able to block her.

  “Help you how?” Aylen asked. “Do you have Kaiah?”

  “Yes,” Echo whispered. “Lake was following you all earlier. He called to tell me that you seemed to have some sort of fight and he saw his opening and took it. He has orders to grab you both and take you to him.”

  “Him who?” Gray asked. He wanted to rip Echo apart for taking his woman but he’d get to that part later. Right now, he needed answers otherwise, they’d never find Kaiah.

  “Our alpha—he’s the chief of our tribe and his son is missing,” Echo admitted.

  “Fuck,” Rios spat. “And, you thought that you’d kidnap my wife and Kaiah to help find him?”

  Echo nodded, “Yes.”

  “So, the story of them coming after us because we’re half breeds, that was a lie?” Aylen asked.

  “Yes,” Echo said. “I needed a story to get you both up here. Hell, I knew that neither of you would consider helping me and why should you? You’re right, I just left you both. When my alpha asked for my help in getting you girls up here, he told me that if I failed, he’d send some of the pack after you two. He told me that if you refused to help, he’d find a way to convince you both to cooperate. So, I just twisted the truth a little. I know my alpha and if he wanted you up here, he would have made it happen.”

  “So, Lake took Kaiah to meet with your alpha?” Gray asked.

  “Yes,” Echo said. “He was under orders to find one or both of you and take you out to the reservation. His son’s only seven and he’s been missing for almost two weeks now. He was desperate, Aylen.”

  “I get that,” Aylen said. “If it was Ryker, I’d do just about anything to get him back but you took away our chance to do the right thing. You didn’t ask for our help. You took it and now, they have Kaiah.”

  “Again, he was desperate and so was I. I’m sorry,” Echo said.

  “What are our options here?” Gray asked. “I mean, can you take us out to the reservation? Is it close?”

  “It’s about a half-hour up the road and I can take you there but just so you know—he won’t let Kaiah go. He’ll find a way to keep her until he has his answers,” Echo said.

  “Shit,” Aylen cursed. “If she’s—” she looked back at Gray and he didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what Ay was about to say.

  “If she’s pregnant she might not be able to help him,” Gray whispered.

  “Right,” Aylen agreed.

  “What happens if Kaiah can’t help your alpha?” she asked.

  Echo shrugged, “Not sure.”

  “My sister might not be able to help him. She’s been having issues with her gifts,” Aylen said. It wasn’t a total lie but she wasn’t being completely forthcoming. “But, if you take me to her, I can help her find the boy.”

  “No fucking way,” Rios growled.

  “She’s my sister, Rios. You know I’ll do whatever it takes to save her,” Aylen said.

  “Same,” Gray said. “I want to find her and if your alpha lays one finger on my woman, I’ll rip his fucking arm off.”

  “I’ll take you to your sister,” Anita offered. “They have Lake too and if Kaiah fails, they’ll hurt him too, or worse.”

  Aylen nodded, “Thank you. I’m ready to leave whenever you are.”

  “Give me just a few minutes to change and then we can leave,” Anita offered.

  “I’m coming
with you,” Rios insisted.

  “No,” Aylen said. “You need to stay here and keep our son safe. If anything happens—” Rios pulled her against his body and kissed her.

  “Nothing will happen because I’ll be by your side,” Rios insisted.

  “No,” Gray said. “She’s right and I’ll be by her side. I’ll make sure that they both come back, man.”


  Kaiah was having a hard time trying to read Lake. He picked her up at the diner when she was good and pissed at Gray for possibly changing her life forever. He had no right to do that to her but she understood how carried away they got when he made love to her. She felt that same way herself and when Gray let down his walls and let her in, she could feel his raw need and desire for her. She overreacted and walked out of the diner and straight into the path of someone who possibly wanted her dead. Yeah—she was an idiot.

  “This isn’t the way back to your father’s place, is it?” Kaiah asked, risking a glance in Lake’s direction. She didn’t have to be able to read his mind to see his determination and worry. He was blocking her and it was taking all his concentration to do it. That was probably for the best because she had a feeling that if she could see into his head, she wouldn’t like what he was about to do with her.

  “No,” Lake admitted. “He’s your father too, you know?” he asked as if trying to change the subject. She knew that Echo had taught his son how to block her and Aylen. She saw that much in his mind when they first met. Her father was pretty good at blocking both of them but then again, he had plenty of time to hone his craft while being married to her mother. Kaiah would imagine that Echo had to learn to block not only her mom but her grandmother. Both women were dammed persistent and she imagined that effort had to be exhausting.

  “Oh—so now you’re willing to share him, Lake? Because out at the house, earlier tonight, I saw something inside of you that looked a lot like jealousy.” Kaiah crossed her arms over her chest and looked out the passenger window, watching the scenery pass by.

  “Doesn’t it get old?” Lake asked. She looked at him as if he lost his mind and he had the nerve to chuckle at her. “You know—being in people’s heads. I mean—wouldn’t you like to have an old fashioned relationship with someone? Get to know them by asking questions, not rummaging through their brains for answers.” She knew he was trying to egg her on but she wasn’t falling for it.